Unisto's newest security seal on Food Europe Magazine

No matter if you work as raw materials or ingredients supplier, in the food production, processing or at the end of the value chain, at the point of sale. Safety is an extremely important issue in the food industry and it must be brought to the highest possible level in order to protect the end user.

Our security seal <link security-seals product show pharmaflex-detetc.html _top external-link>Unisto Pharmaflex Detect has been specially developed for your industry. Thanks to its special manufacturing it helps you to prevent recalls of your product.

The Food Europe Magazine has published an article about the differences between a conventional seal and our Unisto Pharmaflex Detect. Discover more on the<link http: www.foodmagazine.eu.com publications.html _top external-link-new-window> magazine’s homepage on the issue 4, November 2017 or read the article below from page 56.

<link file:1318 calltoaction-link-download>Unisto's market innovation

<link calltoaction-btn-contactphone>For any question we are happy to assist you!
